Wednesday, February 08, 2006


As the untold masses of souls who read my blog have no doubt noticed, I'm not posting much lately. Truth to tell, I need an itty-bitty little break. No soul-searching a la blog entries past- just mad busy. I'll try to post some scintillating, effervescent, timely and insightful prose by this weekend, but I ain't making no promises.

Much love and eternal adoration,


Re: Muslim Riots- Ridiculous. I know we've in large part created this powder keg, but the idea that press freedom must bend to the religious sensitivities of a fringe sector of a particular religion has no place in democratic Europe, or anywhere. Thoughts?

PPS: Andrew Sullivan on what the Dems should be and aren't doing right now:

"I'm not a Democrat and don't think I ever could be, but here's what I'd say if I were in opposition right now. These guys are corrupt and incompetent. They have screwed up the Iraq war, turned FEMA into a joke and landed the next generation with a mountain of debt. We're for making the homeland safer, winning back our allies, and taking on the Iranian dictatorship. We're for energy independence, universal healthcare and balancing the budget again. Now, let Rove do his worst. Hey, we need Democrats who relish the fight, not timid ones who cower at the prospect. Bring back the happy warriors. Please."

Hear, hear. PLEASE.


At 1:39 AM, Blogger elisabeth said...

I've written the longest rant in the world on my blog about the riots, but it's in Norwegian and I can't be bothered translating it... However I am amazed by the reaction. So portraying Mohammed is a sin, but killing people, burning embassies etc - that's ok? What I find most disturbing is that Danish and Norwegian relief organisations are pulling their employees out of moslem countries -like Sudan, where they REALLY need help!!! I can't believe the escalation this thing has happened. And I can't believe the protestors hold the governments responsible for something the free press has published. It's pretty scary over here now...

At 1:40 AM, Blogger elisabeth said...

I meant "the reaction this has caused". Not the escalation it has happened!! He he. That's how it goes when one's got 20 sentences in the head at once...

At 8:11 AM, Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Take some time off to relax and when you're ready, come back.

And always remember - not only are you my favourite lawyer, but you're also my favourite coffee.


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Noisette said...

Mmmmm... Hazelnut coffee...
Elisabeth, SO sorry you are having to endure this. I ironically saw a political cartoon that eloquently (can that word be applied to cartoons?) summed up the essence of what's going on: Islamists expect us (the West) to be tolerant of their intolerance. A disgusting notion that we should never give any deference. Re: aid workers- that's horrible and a prime example of how the actions of a vociferous minority end up having the most severe impact on those who never asked for the battle to begin with- for example, the Sudanese refugees. The Saudi government plays this up to distract from their own issues, and the displaced in Sudan are the ones that suffer. Lovely.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger elisabeth said...

yeah it's sickening. another really annoying thing is that otherwise intelligent people are arguing that it's "unwise to publish things that might be offensive". Well - where does it end, then? Can I start my own religion and say " I find drawings of cars very offensive. Please don't print any drawings of cars or I'll blow myself up in a school bus." A far-fetched argument, I know, but really - FREEDOM of the press and FREEDOM of speech means NOTHING if it's not just that - free.


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