I'll show YOU something counterintuitive...
From WaPo:
"House Republicans signaled a coming clash with the Senate over the future of military tribunals yesterday when Armed Service Committee members indicated they were inclined to give the Bush administration largely what it wants in the conduct of terrorism trials. ...
'This could be easy,' said Rep. Candice S. Miller (R-Mich.), who proudly announced she has neither a law degree nor a college degree as she denounced the high court's 5 to 3 decision against the tribunals as 'incredibly counterintuitive.' 'We could just ratify what the executive branch and the [Department of Defense] have done and move on.'
'That would be a very desirable way to proceed,' said Daniel J. Dell'Orto, the Pentagon's principal deputy general counsel."
Good times. Treating military prisoners humanely and giving them due process rights in accordance with OUR OWN laws of war is "counterintuitive." Maybe Rep. Miller skipped that "Logic 101" class in college. Oh, wait...
I think "counterintuitive" is a word selected for its relative nature, if not its meaninglessness. Substitute a synonym and see how it sounds: animal reflex, thoughtless reaction, instinctive rage.
The law is there to keep people and institutions from behaving this way because justice is not based on intuition, reflex, reaction or anger.
Priceless. We are a nation of laws, unless those laws are inconvenient to Bush and Rummy.
Indeed, capt. fogg- she was reacting "from the gut," as they say. Isn't that the mantra of the Bush Administration generally? Facts, analysis, laws are, ya know, all well and good, but Bush goes with his gut.
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