From the WSJ:
"Bush Dips Into the 20s
President Bush’s job-approval rating has fallen to its lowest mark of his presidency, according to a new Harris Interactive poll. Of 1,003 U.S. adults surveyed in a telephone poll, 29% think Mr. Bush is doing an “excellent or pretty good” job as president, down from 35% in April and significantly lower than 43% in January. Approval ratings for Congress overall also sank, and now stand at 18%."
And that's the WSJ, folks- last time I checked, a right-leaning publication. Thus it's official- Bush has crossed the border into Carter country. His approval ratings are lower than his dad's were when Clinton wrested the presidency from him.
I don't know whether to be grimly happy that the rest of the country is finally catching on to the wreck the man has made of this place, or genuinely concerned- after all, we still have 3 more years of this chump- and I'd rather have an effective president, even if I don't agree with him, than an utter lame-duck who can't even command a base of support.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I saw on your profile that you are a female lawyer in LA. So am I. Are you at a firm?
you're kidding! I am, but don't like to name it here. Suffice it to say that it's the biggest firm in LA (yippee), we're located downtown in the USBank building... Where are you?
Oh my goodness, I just looked at your profile and you like Talib Kweli and Cheb Khaled. I think we were separated at birth.
I always hate to see this clown compared to Jimmy Carter, equated on the basis of their popularity; I cannot accept popularity as a very meaningful yardstick. I know I cannot deny the importance of popular sentiment in one case and celebrate it in the other, but still it seems like, say, equating Hitler and Bill Clinton because they're both white men.
Jimmy Carter is a fantastic human being, though perhaps not a very effective president. George W. Bush is a blathering fool.
Because I used to be at one of the downtown giants (which now has its name obnoxiously on top of one the black towers), I know exactly where you are. I paid my dues, though, and now I'm in-house at a tv production house in Burbank.
Ok, if you like Talib Kweli and Cheb Khaled, then we are definitely long-lost twins. :-) Cheb Khaled did a free concert last summer up at the Grand Plaza next to the Omni Hotel that was great.
Wunelle- point taken. I only meant to compare Bush's current approval rating with Carter's circa Iran hostage situation. I had in mind (although I should have given a hat tip) Andrew Sullivan's post:
Although I think it can be argued that they are equally ineffective presidents I agree that Carter has been a fantastic ex-President. And Carter's failings did not result from hubristic idiocy, lies, etc. Indeed an important distinction.
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Last time I checked, opinion polls are just that - opinions. I didn't see you flip flopping when Bush was in the 90s. Do you expect the rest of us to change now because of the opinions of others? Poll-driven politics are bad for the country.
SP -
The "rest of you" shouldn't change because of the opinions of others. You should change because your chosen leaders have proven themselves to be incompetent, corrupt, hypocritical, thieves for over five years.
Ha ha- I didn't ask you to do anything, SP. I have noticed, however, that the intelligent conservatives out there, from Andrew Sullivan to Bill Kristol to the National Review folks, are as much or more critical of Bushy than we libs are, lately. But of course, throw your blind allegiance behind our leader. It's naively touching- sweet, really.
Blind allegiance? You need to read my blog more :)
However, I don't see you praising him for anything. Does that mean you have blind hatred?
I actually think he's taken the right (not perfect, but preferable) stance on the immigration debate. Otherwise, I simply don't agree with anything the man has done. It's not blind- I hate his policies, his actions, his inactions, etc. with my eyes wide open.
There are simply too many issues to hate him on all but one. At least you admit your bias :)
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